Designing an Urban Services Complex With an Emphasis onTurkish Design Center


-Course Vision

The 402 Architectural Design course envisions that each student tackles with the given Design Task using the 10 design principles that Haluk Pamir developed (2009, 2014, 2017) for the design of settlements and built environments. These design principles are developed according to the interactions between the social, cultural, human and environmental parameters. These principles are as follows:


1.The social ecology of the settlement and the built environment must be well balanced. Population and services mix must have a good complexity by serving today’s needs and also respecting the traditions. Social ecology must provide a re-assurance for comfort for all.

2.Natural ecology of the built environment must be well balanced. It must provide alternative uses with complex design strategies of plants, wind, water and similar natural elements. It must use the ‘green built environment’ understanding with the ‘blue built environment’ understanding.

3.The design must be energy sensitive. Both its passive energy budget and its active energy gains must be designed for.

4.Design must care for the populations of the handicapped and needs of the special groups such as the elderly and the children. This caring attitude is in fact for all the population. ‘Comfort’ is a basic in this context.

5.Design must provide safety and security for its users and institutions.

6.Design must borrow from the potential of using broad band technologies in the built environment. This use will increase security, participation and communication in the built area.

7.Design must aim to be economical in terms of both the building and the operation stages. Groups with less power must be able to use the design millieus without being hindered by their costs.

8.The design must reveal a sense of urban and architectural aesthetics. On this context we should refer to our traditional design background and know-how, our developing understanding of Technologies and our use of experimental-conceptual dimensions of design. This is also what I call the ‘tectonics’ of architecture. That is ‘the aesthetic way of making architecture’.

9.The design process must follow ethical guidelines. All design decisions must be openly shared and user groups must be respected.

10.The design must provide a sustainable and resilient output in an evolving environment. The designed built environment must be flexible enough to respond to the changes in all the parameters mentioned above.

- Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes:

  • Course objectives are to design an urban social / cultural context in Ankara by using Commercial, Business and Exhibition Environments of a Design Centre. The design proposal is to be developed for a site on the Ankara-Konya Highway. Students are expected to learn how one can use the 10 Principles of design for the built environment.
  • In this context the students would deal with the notions of change and flexibility
  • Students are expected to delve into the intellectual dimensions of Architectural Debate for their own interpretations of the design issues.
  • Students are also expected to reflect on the sense of Professional Services understanding in the design for built environments. They will be helped by both the course tutors as well as civil and mechanical engineering and landscape design tutors.

-Important Dates:

  • 23rd October: Preliminary Jury
  • 20th November: 1st Midterm Jury
  • 18th December:2nd Midterm Jury
  • 28th December: Last lecture before final jury. 

The date of final jury will be announced later.


-Grading Policy:

  • Total grades: 100
  • Tutor evaluation of the sustainability of student progress: %15 of 100,
  • Participation in the ongoing discussions in the studio: %10,
  • Preliminary Jury: %10
  • Mid-Term Jury 1: %15
  • Mid-Term Jury 2: %15
  • Final Jury: %35

-Studio Rules & Regulations:

  • Full Attendance required between 13:00-17:00 hours on each studio day.
  • Every hour there will be a 10 minute break for conveniences.
  • Students are expected not to use their mobile phones in between the breaks.
  • Students are expected to participate meaningfully in the ongoing discussions of the studio.
  • Students may choose to work elsewhere for 6 days out of the 28 days allocated for this studio’s working schedule. For extra absences the student needs legally viable documents to be excused.

Related Documents:

Site Plan_01

Site Plan_02 1/1000

Site Plan_03 dwg

Site Plan_04 (Scan)

Parcel Condition Report (ÇAP) 

Municipal Drawings (Scanned): Site plan, plan notes, corner spot elevation of the site (arazi köÅŸe kotları).